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DraftMusica was released

執筆者の写真: Yanase HirotoshiYanase Hirotoshi

DraftMusica is a type of music notation software.

It uses Pencil for quick note input.

- Background of development -

I play Jazz saxophone as a hobby, but I was having trouble improving my improvisation skills. For amateurs, it is difficult to improvise a solo.

After struggling with out-of-tune and one-pattern solos, I arrived at "writing solos," in which a solo is composed and worked out in advance.

I started with a blank staff, a pencil, and an eraser, but as I was not accustomed to writing notes, I spent my days buried in eraser residue and had to take the time to clean up the handwritten score with Notation App, which was finally completed. In the midst of all this, I developed a thirst for an efficient "writing solo.

At first, I tried to write a solo directly in the Notation App to save myself the trouble of scribbling, but the phrase I had in mind disappeared while I was typing the notes, and when I wanted to change it slightly in the editing, I had to retype it from scratch after all. It was completely useless. Next, I tried the "Notation App," which allows handwritten input using the iPad's Pencil, but at present the accuracy of handwriting input is too strict, and it seems difficult to achieve efficient "writing alone.

We decided to create a dedicated App for this purpose, and the basic concept was as follows.

- The basic idea was that it should be possible to put it on a music stand and use it while playing a musical instrument (iPad App).

- Easy editing of the phrases.

- The ability to check the chord sound and the notes that make up the chord.

- MusicXML output should be used for notation output, which is done on the Notation App side.

- Harmony are not handled as monophonic instruments only.

- Notation App side will add note symbols, etc., to simplify operation.

DraftMusica was developed with this concept in mind.




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